There are many reasons to visit us at Dornach. The view, the friendship, the history, the land we work and believe in, the wines... Yes, it is often the wine that causes paths, stories, and lives to intertwine here ...
Would you also like to get to know Dornach and how we work? After your visit you might understand what biodiversity has to do with wine quality!
Book your visit without or with subsequent organic "merenda" (small delightful meal) on our new panorama terrace:

Meet & Enjoy - 2 hours
Would you like to know Dornach and how we work? After your visit you will understand what biodiversity has to do with wine quality, how a biodinamic winery is evolving, and how our organic wines taste.
duration: ca. 2 hours
required equipment: Footwear suitable for the vineyard
costs: 40€/p.

Meet & Enjoy & organic merenda
Book your visit with subsequent organic "merenda" (small delightful meal) on our new panorama terrace!
You will get to know our biodynamic lifestyle, our way of agriculture and our organic products.
duration: ca. 2 hours plus time for relax and enjoy on our terrace
costs: 60€/p.

Stop & Shop
Come to meet us at Dornach and buy our wines.
Small tasting of 3 wines 6€
3 selections 8€